Need Family Law Solicitors in Sydney? Check Out This Guide


It can be almost impossible to find the right barrister for your legal matter. Barristers can be quite expensive, so it’s very important that you don’t rush the decision just because you want your case to be over. It’s all well and good to just want to move on, particularly if it’s to do with a divorce or child custody arrangements. However, hiring a shoddy barrister will just cause more heartache. So, if you are considering O’Sullivan Legal family law solicitors in Sydney, be sure to check out this very helpful guide on how to make the right choice for you.

Make a longlist, then a shortlist

Before you do anything, it’s always good to a make list. Do a quick Google search of ‘O’Sullivan Legal family law solicitors in Sydney’ and start jotting down some names. Aim for as many as you want, however, you need to be aware that you will have to refine this number.

Following this, go through all of the websites carefully. Be on the lookout for things like high quality testimonials, successful high profile cases, recent experience and who works for the firm. Likewise, check out what they specialise in. If they specialize in more criminal-based cases, they may not be the right fit for you.

Branch out your research


When researching family law solicitors in Sydney, it’s important to look beyond their websites. You’ll find more authentic and beneficial reviews of their services on external, more neutral sites. If they are particularly high-profile, run the name of their firm through media databases. You probably don’t want a barrister that has been embroiled in controversy, particularly if it has been at the expense of their client.

Meet them

Before hiring anyone, you should definitely set up a face-to-face meeting. This is a good time to flesh out any concerns you may have over your case. It also gives you the opportunity to analyse family law solicitors in Sydney and evaluate which firm or contractor you will eventually hire. It can really help you pinpoint what their strengths are, and more importantly, what their weaknesses may be.

So what could be some red flags?

There may be small indicators in the behaviour of family law solicitors in Sydney that could be indicative of poor-quality services and performance. Some of these include:

lawyer and client shaking hands

Poor communication

A barrister that communicates poorly should be heavily scrutinised. This is because family law solicitors in Sydney need to be articulate and well-spoken, as there is a good chance they will need to be able to speak publicly in a court room. Likewise, if your case is high profile in nature, your barrister needs to be well equipped and experienced in handling media questions from journalists.

They seem distracted

If your barrister comes across as distracted or not interested in your case, then you should probably be looking elsewhere. Every single legal matter is important and needs to be dealt with by family law solicitors in Sydney who are willing to invest time and effort into the matter. If the barrister is checking his/her phone during your preliminary meeting, then you may as well cut them from the list.

Unrealistic expectations

You might want full custody of your children or something a little more extreme in your divorce settlement. However, you want one of the family law solicitors in Sydney that will be upfront and honest with you. Vague promises are not productive, nor are they helpful. You need a professional who is willing to give you honest advice regarding your expectations, even if it may be painful to hear. You don’t want a liar for a barrister.